Unmatched Reliability
PVC has the lowest water main break rate of all pipe materials in North America. Based on recent findings from the Water Research Foundation, PVC offers the lowest average failure rate of all materials.
Long Lasting Durability
Usage reports repeatedly show little to no degradation in PVC pipe, even after 25 years of use. With unmatched material durability, PVC offers the longest life expectancy of all municipal piping materials.
Support on All Fronts
Long-lasting benefits associated with PVC start with proper installation.1 PVC has become the material of choice for Canadian municipalities in part because of the experienced in-field support provided by Canadian manufacturers, engineers and contractors.
Ease of Installation
PVC provides greater reliability of service over other piping materials. Its ease of installation with other products in a variety of challenging conditions has made it an obvious choice for municipal water distribution. PVC is also ideal for use on projects requiring adaptive solutions and compatibility with existing infrastructure.
Flexible Sizing Options
PVC is available in a wide range of diameter sizes and wall thicknesses to support various water pressure systems, providing the flexibility to choose the specifications that best fit your needs.
Specialty Applications
PVC is consistently utilized for specialty applications such as trenchless installations, environmentally protected install sites, and connecting varied pressure zones. The many versatile PVC products available provide simple solutions for your most complex projects.
Flexible Sizing Options
With the introduction of larger diameter pipes, municipal water transmission projects can now utilize these innovative options and select the best fit for each installation.
Reduce Labour Costs
PVC piping systems require 30-70% less material than other products, making it lighter to transport and easier to install.2 PVC material is handled with ease and can be cut on-site making assembly a smooth process. PVC doesn’t require any specialized tooling or fittings for proper installation making it a perfect fit with any other material.
Minimize Repairs
In 2007, the average cost to repair a piping failure was $1.7 million. Both direct costs (repairs and environmental restoration) and indirect costs (impact on business) contribute to the total costs incurred by a piping failure. With fewer failures over its lifecycle than other materials, PVC provides significant reductions in lifetime repair costs.
Reduce Energy Burden
Overall energy requirements for water distribution using PVC is less than other materials, due to the smooth PVC pipe walls, minimizing friction and energy consumption long-term. Other materials require more pumping energy due to resistance caused by corrosion and internal degradation, resulting in increased environmental impact.
Create a Competitive Advantage
Introducing new material options to your municipality is an important factor in managing your capital budget. By opening fair competition among all materials, municipal costs are lowered across the board – allowing you to get the most out of your budget.
Material of Choice in CANADA
Communities across Canada have shown widespread acceptance of PVC as the material of choice for municipal piping.
In the News
Discover water main breaks in Canada and how they affect municipalities.